Hey there, future visitor!

We know you’re eagerly waiting for our website to launch, but we have a confession to make:
we’re currently stuck in a never-ending debate about what shade of green our logo should be. 😂

In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek of our progress:

💤 Day 1: Bought the domain name
💤 Day 2: Designed a logo, then changed our minds
💤 Day 3: Decided to switch to comic sans font
💤 Day 4: Argued about the perfect background color (spoiler: it’s polka dots)
💤 Day 5: Got distracted by cute cat videos on YouTube

But fear not! We promise to launch our website sometime in the near future…or whenever we finally settle on the ideal shade of blue. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for your patience, and remember, good things come to those who wait…even if it takes forever! 😜

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